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Olga Imas's Publications


Imas OA, Ropella KM, Wood JD, Hudetz AG., “Halothane augments event-related gamma oscillations in rat visual cortex,” Neuroscience,Vol. 123, 2004, pp. 269-78.

Imas OA, Ropella KM, Ward BD, Wood JD, Hudetz AG., “Volatile anesthetics enhance flash-induced gamma oscillations in rat visual cortex,” Anesthesiology,. Vol. 102, No. 5, 2005,  pp.937-947.

Imas OA, Ropella KM, Ward BD, Wood JD, Hudetz AG, “Volatile anesthetics disrupt frontal-posterior recurrent information transfer at gamma frequencies in the rat,” Neuroscience Letters,Vol. 387, 2005, pp. 145-150.

Imas OA, Ropella KM, Wood JD, Hudetz AG., “Isoflurane disrupts anterio-posterior phase synchronization of flash-induced field potentials in the rat,” Neuroscience Letters,Vol. 402, No. 3, 2006, pp. 216-21.

Hudetz AG, Imas OA, “Burst activation of the cerebral cortex by flash stimuli under deep isoflurane anesthesia in the rat,” Anesthesiology, Vol. 107, No. 6, 2008, pp. 983-992

Hudetz AG, Vizuette, JA, Imas OA., “Desflurane selectively suppresses long-latency cortical neuronal response to flash in the rat,” Anesthesiology, Vol. 111, 2009, pp. 231-239.


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